French FriendFeed User Took Picture of Jalopy in the Mission and Wrote Some Stuff in French

Like, a couple months ago, Didier at Encore une page had this to say about the Mission:

Je voulais poster un cliché San Franciscain, le Golden Gate Bridge ou le Cable Car qui descend une rue en pente raide comme le prix d’une bouteille de vin de Napa Valley. Finalement, j’ai opté pour cette voiture blanche hinchables garée devant un mur blanc sous un arbre noir dans une rue pas trop en pente, dans le quartier mexicain.

Link. Via FriendFeed.

3 Responses to “French FriendFeed User Took Picture of Jalopy in the Mission and Wrote Some Stuff in French”

  1. Mike says:

    I wanted to post a San Franciscan cliché – the Golden Gate Bridge, or a Cable Car descending a steep slope, like the price of a bottle of wine in Napa Valley.
    Finally, I opted for this white car parked in front of a white wall, under a black tree, on a slight slope, in the Mexican quarter.

    *exhales from cigarette*

  2. dorf says:

    that eyesore is my neighbor’s car, i see it far too often.

  3. glerf says:

    my friend left a complete 64 Dart convertible top on the hood of that car with a Merry Christmas sign a few months ago, wonder why he hasn’t put it on.