Why was John Waters at the Knockout last night?

Says our pal Teddy:

He was on his way out when I noticed unfortunately. I was just outside the door and heard a girl say “I love your movies!”, then caught a thin black mustache curled up in a charismatic smile pass by, and he was gone.

Well, if he comes back again tonight, we’ll know he’s there for DANCING.

UPDATE!!! Perhaps he was there to see Micro Mtns play that night:


2 Responses to “Why was John Waters at the Knockout last night?”

  1. Micro Mtns says:

    I think he must have been there to see Micro Mtns play that night!!
    check out our photo: http://blog.micromtns.com/post/15894951820/best-celebrity-sighting-ever-john-waters-at?9a99b2e8

  2. genea says:

    He really just likes to look at the pretty hipster boys….and really can one blame him for that. I can’t imagine his type would likely be haunting the uptown type of bars…. I’ve seen him a million times. leave him alone and don’t bother him too much unless you want to introduce him to you pretty boy friend that he might get to play with!!