Saturday Afternoon Ping Pong, tomorrow and every Saturday at Dear Mom

Every Saturday. Regular ol’ ping pong. Last week, we played games to 21. If it gets crowded, maybe we’ll switch to 11. Win by two, no suckers’ serve.

Bangin’ bloody marys by bartender David. Bangin’ wake-up shots by Oliver. Hot dogs for lunch.

P.S. Don’t forget, American Tripps brings the other style of ping pong to Rickshaw Stop tonight!

9 Responses to “Saturday Afternoon Ping Pong, tomorrow and every Saturday at Dear Mom”

  1. hater says:

    Are you employed by the ping pong advisory board? Why are you always promoting ping pong events? Who the fuck over 14 gives a fuck about ping pong?

    • Allan Hough says:

      The hundreds and hundreds of people that I play ping pong with every week?

    • suckerpunch says:

      Umm, because he plays ping pong every week and hangs out as Mr. Moms all the time?
      Are you new here?

    • Melissa says:

      Oh and @hater & @suckerpunch: I’m pretty sure Mission Mission is an entertainment BLOG. They blog want they want and what they like. And that’s okay. Once they become Associated Press correspondents then we can bash them for their choice of topics they cover and where they hang out.

      • bilbo says:

        No, you can still bash them for once being an awesome blog on diverse locations, events and topics and then becoming a blog that does a ton of shilling for a couple of the same spots day after day after day. If it was once a week it would be fine. At this point it’s almost every day. They might as well rename the blog “American Tripps Your Mom.”

      • suckerpunch says:

        @Melissa: Who’s bashing? I wasn’t. At least this time I wasn’t.

  2. Melissa says:

    Storts the King of Ping (pong).

  3. chicken rabbit says: