Eber Flamenco for President, 2012: ‘I already know what I’m gonna do’

This is quite a thing, filmed yesterday right here in the neighborhood. It looked dumb at first, but then I ended up watching all 11:26 of this guy Flamenco, apparently a local business owner, walking up and down 24th Street telling us about his platform. He’s gonna create ”trillions of jobs” and ”legalize every immigrant” — and that’s just the beginning. It’s the most impassioned marginally intelligible stream-of-consciousness stump speech you’ll see all year (maybe):

If he gets on the ballot I just might vote for him. (Hopefully he goes into greater detail about his plans for abortion and gay marriage in his next campaign video.)

(Thanks, Jaison!)

3 Responses to “Eber Flamenco for President, 2012: ‘I already know what I’m gonna do’”

  1. Mark says:

    Just received one of your cards out on the street.
    Sorry to say you need to have them proof read, there are typo & grammar mistakes. Not good to have for the leader of a country.

  2. RyoWare says:

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