Help expand Wholesome Bakery, San Francisco’s premiere bakery for those with dietary restrictions and food allergies

Wholesome Bakery rules, and there’s a little over 24 hours left in their campaign to raise capital for some expansion plans! You will want to watch the video, as it involves superheroism and a fluffy little dog with a cone on its head:

Now, check out the perks you can get by helping them grow.

6 Responses to “Help expand Wholesome Bakery, San Francisco’s premiere bakery for those with dietary restrictions and food allergies”

  1. broke guy says:

    Why does everyone want money from me?

  2. Mikey sfdoggerwalker says:

    I love you Mandy!!!

  3. scum says:

    Give me money, and in return I will not follow you down the street cussing you out.

  4. FleshBot says:

    I would imagine most current business plans for expansion and sustainability read something like this:

    “Crowd source.”

  5. jamalama says:

    That was rad!

  6. Xavier says:

    “Wholesome” Bakery uses palm oil, which is not only not wholesome but which leads to large scale destruction of old-growth rainforests.

    I wrote to them to ask them to consider using some other more Wholesome oil, but they didn’t respond at all.

    Please don’t support these people.