More Mission bar anagrams

We left out a number of good bar anagrams when last we surveyed this topic, so here we go again:

Bold Curve = Dovre Club
You Oral Cock = Royal Cuckoo
Cork Bra = Rock Bar
“Rum,” I lied = Delirium
Let’s Tag = Gestalt
Both No Hope = Phone Booth
Cut, Toke, Honk = The Knockout
Long Android = Iron and Gold
Robe Loom = Elbo Room
Panned Party = Napper Tandy
Out Homo-Meerkat = The Make-Out Room
Yes Colon = Clooney’s

We’ve included some La Lenguan bars this time. (Maybe next we’ll do the rest of SF too.) As always, highlight the list to see the translations.

[Cut, Toke, Honk photo by @ezeweez]

One Response to “More Mission bar anagrams”

  1. Addie says:

    Lord nasty is a disgusting human