Get Your Organic Cocktails Muddled By Your Favorite Mission Mixologist

Eater points out an interesting generalization made about Mission bars in a Chronicle article about North Beach’s Tosca:

The implication is that time has passed Tosca by and so have the young drinkers who give bars energy. They’ve migrated to the Mission District, where a bartender must have a pedigree in “mixology” and a modeling portfolio, plus be handy with a muddler for grinding Kaffir lime leaves into organic citrus syrup.

Now, I don’t know which bars Chronicle Staff Writer Sam Whiting is going to, but the burly mixologist serving me my whiskey ginger ale at the Latin American Club the other night didn’t muddle shit for me.  He’s pretty chill, though.

Side note: would love to see some cocktail ingredient muddling on Handjobbin’.  Just a suggestion.