Where the Magic Happens


If you’re in the mood for some fun multimedia journalism, look no further than this video by Mission Loc@l, which takes us inside a neighborhood taco truck. Link.

5 Responses to “Where the Magic Happens”

  1. Glenparker says:

    Did none of you have a taco truck while growing up in Rhode Island or Buffalo?

  2. johnny0 says:

    Hell no. Just ice cream trucks if we were lucky.

  3. Glenparker says:

    Actually I guess if you’re a kid ice cream is more desirable than tacos.

  4. johnny0 says:

    Yet the nutritionistas are attacking taco trucks and not ice cream trucks. Oh, the irony.

  5. Zig says:

    Glen-I don’t really recall many taco trucks on the Peninsula when I was going up or in the Mission where my extended family lived. Maybe early 1990′s I started to notice some. Were they around? Very possible.

    I am sure they have been all over LA by the 1970′s.