Chris From Mission Street Food and Plebiscite to Moderate Panel Discussion on Food Writing

Over at 826 Valencia:

Our first food writing seminar, held in November, proved so popular that we wanted to have a second. This time our focus will be narrower, concentrating on the politics of food, its impact, and the science behind it. The conversation will range from discussing the themes addressed as well as how to turn thoughts, arguments and theories into palatable prose. In addition to reflecting on the writing process, the panelists will address issues related to the publishing aspects of food writing, such as contacting agents, working with publishing houses and newspaper editors, and running a successful blog.

The event takes place on February 25, 2009. Admission is $100. Reservations recommended.  Read all about the panelists here. [via Plebiscite]

One Response to “Chris From Mission Street Food and Plebiscite to Moderate Panel Discussion on Food Writing”

  1. plebiscite says:

    Hey thanks, dude!