Graffiti Is So Much Better on Vinyl Because You Can Really Experience It The Way The Artist Intended It to Be Experienced

Plug1 of WHATIMSEEING DOT COM captured this colorful shot of possibly my favorite new phenomenon. SO? What do we think!? Doesn’t cause property damage, gives new life to old discarded objects, brightens up a dreary phone pole. Home owners? Business owners? Haters? Lovers? Where do we stand?

7 Responses to “Graffiti Is So Much Better on Vinyl Because You Can Really Experience It The Way The Artist Intended It to Be Experienced”

  1. P3ZO says:

    Old Trash. $F Cali.

    • plug1 says:

      if you are who i think you are — keep on doing what you do. i love finding your stickers and throwies and snapping em up with my camera.

  2. Bjorn Toulousse says:

    let the haters hate and the players play. Pez wins

  3. 17 year local says:

    pez pez pez.

  4. slyder24 says:

    I like the vinyl, but as far as stickers, Pez is just OK by me. He ain’t no Pobresito or Enor.

  5. Bjorn Toulousse says:
