Opening: Gracias Madre

Got word that Vegan Virgin is finally opening next week.  Cool, I guess.  I mean, normally I’d be pretty pumped (burritos + vegan food) but I’m generally down on giving my money to crazy people. But maybe you are crazy, vegan, or apathetic–maybe a healthy combination of all traits–and generally don’t care about forcing ‘the help’ to join cults.  Sin carne, sin jamón, sin pollo, sin pescado, sin leche, sin queso, sin crema, por favor.

2 Responses to “Opening: Gracias Madre”

  1. Jim says:

    Calling it “Gracias Madre” is so condescending. It’s in the Mission, so we’d better pretend we’re Raza, esse!

  2. Jakey says:

    I agree, the name is in very poor taste.

    But I’d like to address something else. Cult does not automatically mean Jim Jones and a bunch of lunatics. In this case, it means a group of people that share religious or spiritual views, sometimes unorthodox, or unmainstream. There are hundreds, if not thousands of groups like this in California. And most of them are much less harmful than, say, the Christian Church.

    At least half of the vegetarian restaurants in the city are run by members of various spiritual groups. So what. If you like the food, who cares how blissed out the people serving you are?

    I’m definitely not condoning the actions of the owners of Gratitude.

    But I am saying, know the definitions of the words you’re crying bloody murder about.