Cannonball, run!

Earlier today, someone tried to donate a cannonball to the Salvation Army at 26th and Valencia. The SFPD bomb squad subsequently closed off a block of 26th Street in order to determine whether or not cannonballs are explosive. Results are currently inconclusive, but the cannonball has been removed from the area.

As you may already know, our bomb squad is known for accidentally driving over grenades. Makes me feel perfectly safe in this town.

5 Responses to “Cannonball, run!”

  1. Is this yet another promo for Faye’s Video?

  2. Janet C says:

    Is that why the ghetto bird was flying over Bernal/Mission today?

  3. Glenparker says:

    I wonder what the bomb squad would do if faced with a couple of arrowheads.

  4. is this serious? that is whack