A very special Mother’s Day fuck-you somewhere on Capp Street

Ouch. Happy Mother’s Day!

(Thanks, Amy!)

5 Responses to “A very special Mother’s Day fuck-you somewhere on Capp Street”

  1. disgruntled says:

    Jeez, just ’cause Marco asked for his own bed, now that he’s hit puberty…

  2. bradlish says:

    nice photoshop. looks fun.

    • Ay says:

      Actually, no. You can look at this in person. It is written on the Capp Street side of the Victoria Theatre.

  3. Baretta says:

    I know that hand, they write a variety of things around there….scary, real things. So yeah, a new techie from Wisconsin looking for utopiaSF might want to believe it’s PS.

    • Old Mission Neighbor says:

      How many “scary, real things” does that angry mother write, lol?