SXSW Highlight: Still Flyin' Soundin' Like LCD Soundsystem

The Bay Bridged threw a fab party last week. It was called the Bay Area Takeover and a bunch of Bay Area bands wowed crowds all day long. My favorite was Still Flyin’, who were sounding a little more disco than whenst last I saw them. A dozen or so people on stage, lots of fun percussion, unstoppable beat — it was like seeing LCD Soundsystem, only cheaper. Keep ‘em in mind.

SXSW Highlight: Tag Asks Me to Dance

I got so jazzed afterward that I ended up stage diving! During Bit Shifter! And Hipster Wife Hunting Pinup #16 was there, watching our every move. Austin rules!

This all took place at Datapop 3, a two-night party devoted to music made with Game Boy parts and Commodore 64 cables. But it’s not one bit twee — it rocks, fully! One performer prefaced his set with, “Now it’s time for some fuckin’ DATA BRUTALITY!!” And it was!