Where Were All the Young People?

The debate was okay. We saw cheering and hissing and accusations of racism, and some folks seemed to get a feel for who they like. But we were most struck by the absence of young people in the audience. So many young people in the neighborhood doing interesting things, loving life, helping to make the Mission what it is, and none show up at this banner event? Then we started thinking about our circle of friends, many of which are recent transplants from Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania or elsewhere, and thus not yet registered to vote in SF (maybe because their vote for Obama carries more weight back home than it would here). So is that the story? Nobody shows up because you’re all registered in Indiana?

For more, SF Citizen has a gang of photos, some video and a sharp critique of the Chronicle coverage, right over here. Oh and Beth Spotswood has a sharp critique of somebody else’s coverage, located here.

Update: For a truly definitive report, see Brock’s at SFist, here.