Tomorrow Morning: Greening Guerrero

Gillian says:

The election is over – come dig in the dirt!

Please join us to plant 300 plants in the middle of Guerrero Street, tomorrow (Saturday).
Enjoy the music of the Aaron Cohen Jazz trio. Sample delicious food from Boulangerie Bay Bread.
Organic juice boxes for kids. Friendly neighbors!

Even if you can’t volunteer, come take a stroll along Guerrero – where the Mission, Bernal and Noe Valley meet!

When: Saturday, November 8th, 9:30am to 2pm, rain or shine

Where: Guerrero Street, from 25th to 24th  Streets (one median)


Bring: Work gloves, a hand trowel and your neighbors and friends

One Response to “Tomorrow Morning: Greening Guerrero”

  1. Thank you, Mission Mission!