Ohlone Chiefs Shirt


Gangs of San Francisco is a series of t-shirts celebrating the various “gangs” that tore shit up in San Francisco throughout history. Ohlone Chiefs apparently hailed from the Mission District, back before the Gang Injunction Zone. See rival gang t-shirts here, but, well, clearly the Ohlone Chiefs could kick the Fleishhacker Diving Club’s ass. (Thanks, Plug1!)

Previously on Mission Mission:

Homo Habilis Sweethearts Shirt

Fuck Cars Shirt

Titty City Shirt

5 Responses to “Ohlone Chiefs Shirt”

  1. Brock says:

    Team Norteños.

  2. daver says:

    Gangs? These sound more like clubs

  3. Belgand says:

    Not even gangs most of the shirts just celebrate various places that no longer exist. Kind of lame. Kind of very lame with their obvious hipsterism. The faux athletic design has been lame since it was developed. Trying to repurpose it in this fashion was also lame when it was first developed along with just about every other faux thrift store style t-shirt.

  4. [...] Mission Mission posted about these great t-shirts that celebrate the “Gangs of San Francisco.”  Other gangs include the Sutro Speedsters, an ice-skating team from 1897 and the Bear Flag Rebels of 1846.  Each shirt has a bit of history about the city included.  It’s a fun way to learn a little bit more about the city and declare your allegiances to a particular neighborhood. [...]

  5. Brian says:

    Good call. yep kind of lame celebrating places that don’t exist. it would be much cooler to celebrate places that exist, like say the safeway in the outer richmond. Or something truly original like the golden gate bridge.

    i can’t stand faux hipster thrift stuff either which is why I rock a “just do it” shirt,