Food For Thought: Dine Out Wednesday(s)!

Hey, this sounds pretty nice:

If you like eating out for charity, consider participating in next week’s Food for Thought event, in which 23 Mission District restaurants donate their profits for the night of Wednesday, Nov. 4, to Mission Graduates. All you have to do is make a reservation at one of the eateries listed below, then dine out like you normally would on a Wednesdaty. Restaurants will donate 25 to 100 percent of their revenue to the non-profit that helps Mission District kids go to college.

From Grub Street.  The Food For Thought section of the Mission Graduates website says the event is November 11th rather than the 4th, so you’ll have to dine out both nights to be safe.

Participating restaurants are: Andalu, Bar Bambino, Bissap Baobab, CODA, Conduit, Destino, Dolores Park Cafe, Farina Focaccia and Cucina Italiana, Foreign Cinema, Front Porch, La Provence, Little Star Valencia, Maverick, Panchitas #2, Pisco, Range, Regalito Rosticeria, Slow Club, Specchio, Spork, Usulutan Restaurant.

I was tickled pink to realize I had already made a reservation at one of the above restaurants for both Wednesday nights, by sheer coincidence.  Accidentally philanthropic?  YOU’RE WELCOME!

4 Responses to “Food For Thought: Dine Out Wednesday(s)!”

  1. mawkus says:

    You had me at “eating out for charity” (hehe).

  2. plastic atomic says:

    Cool, but I think the event is happening NEXT week – November 11.

  3. Art says:

    YES! yummm