Dude on Guerrero Turns On, Tunes In, Drops Out

Commenter Andy left us this tidbit over the weekend:

Saw a strange site heading down Guerrero today about 3pm…

A man was on a rampage down the street, knocking over some parked mopeds and throwing himself on the hoods of cars. Didnt appear to be homeless or crazy, but more in the throws of a serious LSD or other drug related craziness. Anyway, thought ya’ll might have your ear to the ground (or ye olde police scanner).

Crazy.  Did anyone else come across this nutter?

4 Responses to “Dude on Guerrero Turns On, Tunes In, Drops Out”

  1. SlideSF says:

    Is that uncredited image by Alex Grey or is it faux Grey?

  2. Rabbit says:

    It’s an uncredited Alex Grey image. I recognize it from new 2010 calendar.

  3. Chris says:

    sight. S-I-G-H-T.

  4. Dude your image is broken says:
