What's Going on Here, Guy Spraying Kerosene in His Own Face?

Whether the π/beers thing is related or not, I have no idea what is going on in this image. I’ve zoomed way in and can’t seem to figure what that appendage growing out of that guy’s upper torso is. Looks like an illustration in a “Say No to Spraying Kerosene in Your Own Face” pamphlet from the doctor’s office — but that’s not a real thing. Halp!

Photo by westbymidwest.

3 Responses to “What's Going on Here, Guy Spraying Kerosene in His Own Face?”

  1. Tanya says:

    i’m thinking it’s either shrooms or a femur…

  2. mcas says:

    The top left doesn’t look like a real Pi tag.

    But the humour is very Pi-ish.

    But after a long lull of Pi, I’ve been seeing them around again- maybe s/he left town and just got back and forgot how to draw her tag…?

  3. sm says:

    This same sticker was/is on the inner door to my apartment.