American Eagle in Des Moines reppin’ the 94110


(There’s a cafe in Des Moines called Ritual btw, makes pretty good veggie sandwiches.)

[via Lindsey]

7 Responses to “American Eagle in Des Moines reppin’ the 94110”

  1. eric says:

    im from iowa and i live in the mission…..

  2. Tim says:

    I rode my bike across Iowa and I used to live in the Mission…

  3. Barbara Graber says:

    I’ve lived in the Mission since 1993, I’m from New York and I’ve never been to Iowa.

  4. Glenparker says:

    I was born in the 94110 but love The Music Man.

  5. YAR! says:

    I live in the Mission; what’s an Iowa?

  6. stacheistoosexy says:

    Please tell me this was at Jordan Creek. Man, I miss Iowa sometimes.