The Dodos perform this Thursday at the Make-Out Room

26 Responses to “The Dodos perform this Thursday at the Make-Out Room”

  1. dodos = great. but what do we know about this avalos guy…?

  2. Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

    Avalos is fucking awesome.

  3. Avalos is the guy who is teaming-up with Leland Yee to drown my neighborhood in litter.

  4. pinchecabron says:

    john avolos = chris daly.

    plain & simple.

    • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

      Chris Daly is ALSO awesome, but he is really not that similar to John Avalos. They are rad in different ways.

      • pinchecabron says:

        haha. hahahahahhahahaha. hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha.

      • scum says:

        Daly is a fucking bully.

        • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

          Naw. He’s a great guy. He really went to bat for me when I was living on Treasure Island and the John Stewart Co. was trying to screw me out of my security deposit. He was a terrific supervisor for his constituents, and great for the city in general.

          • Before I accept that as the gospel, can you reassure me to the effect that Daly was not bullying your landlord with his clout because he believed that you had a right to lie on your lease about moving in with a dog? Because, as much as I loathe Glenparker’s attitude and self-serving lies, he-or-she did raise a question that is pertinent to your political endorsement.

          • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

            Fair point, fair point. However, I can definitely assure you that there were no extraneous pets involved whatsoever. This was a case of the John Stewart Co. trying to deduct pre-existing damage and normal wear-and-tear from my security deposit.

  5. crw says:

    Avalos = Avalos!!!

    this show is gonna rock!

  6. truth says:

    He’s no Jeff Adachi.

  7. he’s definitely no ron paul

    • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

      Yup. Avalos believes in Evolution, sensible economic policy, and is also not a racist.

      Y’know, unlike Ron “95 percent of the black males in [Washington DC]are semi-criminal or entirely criminal” Paul.

    • drip says:

      yeah, as far as i know avalos is pro-choice and doesn’t openly hate dark skinned people, so he’s definitely no ron paul . . .