Pricey, sure, but a portion of the ticket price is tax deductible since The Roxie is a nonprofit! Here’s the deal:
Miss Sedaris will be on hand to discuss her 2010 book, Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People. She’ll participate in a question-and-answer session with the audience, sign books & posters, make some crafts, and generally conduct herself in as charming and effervescent a manner as you might expect.
More info and tickets here.
If the title of her book had been serious, this one actually would offend me. As things stand, though, I will try not to worry about it too much. Won’t be there, though, because I am for-profit — mine!
I’m an A-Gay and that’s still too pricy for moi. All the best. Her brother charges a quarter of that, and with comfortable seating.
It’s a fund-raiser.
You called yourself an “A-Gay” – your argument is invalid. Love, a fag.
Everything that charges is a fund rasier for something. This one is only affordable to the 1%, hair death veggy.
The $100 includes an open bar and food (in addition to being a general fundraiser for the theater), so it’s not that exorbitant compared to, say, a night on the town.
Fair enough.
Don’t forget about the convenient three dollar fee!
Did someone say open bar?