"Get Off My Sidewalk, You Damn Kids"

Nobody has lawns in the Mission, so if you’re cranky and old, you’ll have to settle for defending your sidewalks. As Cranky Old Mission Guy reminds us:

People think I’m lying when I tell them that all this stuff is illegal. I guess I can’t blame them, because the police mostly ignore these infractions. The biggest reaction I’ve ever seen was a cop turning his head, briefly, to tell one #####, ####-###### ####### to get off the sidewalk. Then they both pretended it never happened and went on their ways undisturbed.

What do you think is behind the ### marks? My guess is “goddamned, mother-fucking asshole”

Seriously, though. Don’t ride on sidewalks. (Okay, okay… maybe if you accidentally turn down a one-way street and gotta ride it out until the next block. But even then, wear a defeated “I just fucked up” look and apologize profusely to every pedestrian you pass.)

[via C.O.M.G.'s Flickr]