This drunk white-guy flannel-shirt-and-converse type, after crazed dancing to a whole mess of Barry White, Marvin Gaye, and Al Green, came up to the DJ booth on Wednesday night and asked if I had anything more modern to play. I asked, “Like what? Give me a suggestion”. I think he said some names toboggan gonflable drunkenly so I couldn’t understand him, but I played it safe and said “No, sorry.” And then he asked …
“Carly Simon?”
Ha. That would be fun. You’re So Vain with a bit of a faster beat.
or something from the new album–THIS KIND OF LOVE!
plundered from the sfweekly craptastic article?
White guys, you have to love them. Or at least Barry White. However, Carly Simon’s “Attitude Dancing” is actually fun to dance to in a twisted, I-don’t-seriously-dig-this sorta way.
Somehow i missed the point. Probably lost in translation
Anyway … nice blog to visit.
cheers, Precipitable
[...] Requested, 12:45am at Beauty Bar [...]