Mysterious Fire Last Thursday

Reader Jenn sent in these photos of some kind of smoke or something coming off the US Bank building or its vicinity at 22nd and Mission last Thursday. What happened?

Update: BayBigr has the scoop.

4 Responses to “Mysterious Fire Last Thursday”

  1. ohmygolly says:

    rode by there and there were fire trucks on the street, and cops using the wellsfargo atm. no news stories though.

  2. Monty says:

    The BBQ next door to the bank caught on fire. The fire dept. shut down 22nd from Capp to Valencia and Mission from 23rd to 21st. No one was hurt.

    Here’s a closer pic:

  3. fsharp says:

    That’s from the fire in the basement of Smile BBQ. We work near the top of the bank building and had to be evacuated for about an hour. This place looked grimy but it was a hidden gem. They had great burgers and breakfasts. A wonderful couple ran this with a very friendly counter person. We don’t know if/when they will open again.

  4. [...] Was the US Bank building at 22nd and Mission on fire last Thursday? [...]