A Scuffle Over a Crack Rock


Travis Jensen has detailed a fairly epic crack-bust that occurred this past weekend in front of a dollar store on Mission and 17th. Without spoiling the entire story, there was a fairly interesting tidbit about Mission St. crack sales thrown in the mix:

We later found out that this particular dollar store is notorious for crack sales. Apparently, it’s safer to do the exchange inside the store than out on the street. In this particular case, however, the buyer turned out to be an undercover cop. Whoops.

I had always wondered how so many dollar stores could stay in business…

(Credit SFist)

5 Responses to “A Scuffle Over a Crack Rock”

  1. zinzin says:

    great. smackdown on badguys. always nice to see.

  2. olu says:

    This evening same shit, different (actual)thug. Undercover Jakes came out of everywhere and took down what looked like a dealer, right in front of the same exact store.

  3. zinzin says:

    could that represent a consistent effort (2 counts as consistent, right?) on the part of SFPD to address the 24/7 hard drug bazaar centering around 16th & mission?


    that would be…novel.

  4. Barney Fife says:

    Crack is the best tasting of the Drugs….let it be.

  5. Suggs says:

    it works like this: it uses methampetamine, a constitutional isomer, as a central acting stimulant. this releases neutransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine, adrenalin, and noradrenaline. what this means to you is that by stimulating certain neuron bundles your brain has been signaled to its fight or flight response. when this occurs your body stops its hunger trigger. therefore your appetite is suppressed because the brain is not receiving a hunger signal. averaging 230 pounds, at different ages and being trained as not only will they make your breathing slow but also cause you to snore. if the muscles in the throat are to relaxed it can cause them to move about more easily resulting in muscle vibration and snoring. don’t eat a full meal to late at night as this causes the food to sit in your stomach. as a result you will feel heavy and a pressure on your diaphram. this pressure can cause you to snore. this can’t always be avoided if you are home late from work or a night out, try and have a light snack instead to satisfy your hunger, or if you do have a big meal try and stay up about an hour later to allow the food to digest before going to bed. sleeping on your back can make matters worse as gravity helps the toungue muscles to fall back down the throat causing you to snore. stitching tennis balls on the back of your pyjama top isn’t the best snoring treatment as you will probably keep waking up every time you move onto your back resulting in poor sleep. you will probably also feel pain from the tennis balls digging into your back!! instead try elevating your bed by 30 degrees since this height is known to lessen collapse of the tissues in the throat.