The Best Parking Job Ever

eviloars took a picture of this amazing parking job fail on Capp and 17th:


  1. The car is blocking a crosswalk.
  2. The car is obstructing a fire hydrant.
  3. The trunk light is on so it is questionable if the car will even start without a jump.
  4. There is a dryer hanging out the back.
  5. UPDATE: The car is a stolen vehicle.

10 Responses to “The Best Parking Job Ever”

  1. David says:

    where’s the hooker?

  2. Ariel. says:

    To update, turns out this was a stolen car and after almost 24 hours of sitting there the case was sorted out.

    • This gets more and more epic.

      • Ariel. says:

        Okay, see, the other thing is that I’ve seen this dryer (which supposedly works) move around the street a bit the past few days. So this was especially baffling when it seemed like someone was finally taking it home. There’s wire holding it in place in this pic. But apparently someone just decided to secure it into an illegally parked stolen vehicle. There’s a thought process here that I can’t seem to get a handle on.

  3. zinzin says:

    sussing out the crackhead thought process takes years & years of practice.

    even then, only the most astute and dedicated persons might be able to do it.

    most will fail.

    that said, one gets plenty of practice on capp street.

    viva capp street.

  4. daniele says:

    the real question… is the dryer a stolen dryer, and how many bodies are inside?

  5. monica says:

    haha. this made my morning.

  6. mcas says:

    There’s cops all over that corner (mostly for hooking)… seems crazy that it say illegally for 24 hours. But, either way, best post of June.

  7. tiltiblog says:

    I got a parking ticket 3 min after my meter expired on Clement and 19th. In front of my dentist. This car was parked for 24 hrs in a crosswalk/next to a hydrant.
    What. the. fairness, DPT.
    I think I will refuse to pay my next ticket on the grounds that this happened.

  8. tiltiblog says:

    PS-best Update ever.