'Stereotyping People by Their Favorite Indie Bands'

Dave Matthews Band fans.

Passion Pit fans: "Bros vaguely interested in listening to music and very interested in having sex with their girlfriend."

My buddy Ben sent me this list.  Pretty interesting.  Until today, I didn’t know I was a “[boy] who thinks Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever made” because I like Ratatat.  Sorry but Britney Spears’ Dance Beat wins that award.  Truthfully, I hadn’t heard of half of these bands before.  ”Where’s your SF indie rock spirit?”  Dunno.  I still listen to “Shaggy.”

P.S. – I want to start a band and call it “Radioactive Chewbacca.”   Or “Digitial Chewy.”   I have no musical talent but have an Apple Computer, some DJ plugin for iTunes and Garageband.  Figure we can grow full beards, wear flannel, move to Humboldt County and ‘trim danke’ until we make it big.  The next Girl Talk.  Who’s in?

7 Responses to “'Stereotyping People by Their Favorite Indie Bands'”

  1. FJ says:

    Please don’t move up here to Humboldt. There’s no weed left and we already have all the douche bags we can handle. Thanks.

  2. jimbeam says:

    Dude, this is probably 100% correct on some level.

  3. monosyllabic says:

    Reminds me of that Web-1.0 classic Band-A-Minute.

  4. ethlima says:

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