Is Justin Bieber Bisexual?

The kids want to know!

So apparently in addition to writing THE SUMMER JAM OF 2010, our pal Myles Cooper is also some kind of grade-school teacher or something. With perceptive pupils. Kudos, Myles!

Seriously though, go back and listen to Myles’ song if you haven’t heard it.

12 Responses to “Is Justin Bieber Bisexual?”

  1. closin' time says:

    Reposting someone’s tweets does not a blog post make. You’re reaching Hough. End this blog now. It’s over buddy.

  2. Dorothy L. Richard says:

    Secret of Justin Beiber revealed in comedy blog

  3. laurah abrams. says:

    Nah, Justin Bieber is a damn Christian, who DOESN’T believe is homosexuality. Which is bad on his part, hes losing most of his fans to not being able to accept people. I LOVED Justin until i found out he disliked homo’s? Or whatever. I’m bisexual, so fuck him. He’s nothing but a downgraded person. (:

  4. Bieber’s got a tight hole.

  5. ashley says:

    I honestly do not think he gay im not but does it really make a difference we all human

  6. repa says:

    he like boy so he

    is gay

  7. Just Because Rumors Are Spread He Said He Was Bisexual. Doesnt Mean He Is.
    And Just Because A Guy Likes Boys Doesnt Mean Their Gay. It Could Mean Their Bisexual Too. Dip shits. I Do My Research On Justin Bieber. Everytime I Hear Something About Him. I Dont Believe It Till I Do RESEARCH! (:

  8. tiffany says:

    well ,, to be honest it dosent matter if he is bi or watevr , casue he is still a good person and he still sings good and makes good songs so oh well!!

  9. Kes-leigh says:

    i think justin shaye bieber is totally gay.