Love and Sunshine

We’ve followed Aaron Sunshine’s unluckiness in love for a while now (surely you’ll recall the brutality of dating in SF and the mystery girl he never found), so we were pleased as punch to find this good news on his Facebook wall:

Congrats, Aaron! Treat her right!

7 Responses to “Love and Sunshine”

  1. Kelley P. says:

    Snooze… No one had sympathy for this whiney douche before. Why should we care now?

  2. Kelley P. says:

    “We ate Vicodin and mixed it with whiskey and somehow we never really connected. What did I do wrong? Waaaaaaaaa!”

    That’s what I meant by whiney.

    Did you roofie this new girl?

    • Thanks for clarifying that. I think that you may have mis-read the piece. It’s not about what either I or anyone does wrong, but more about the mystery of dating itself. Maybe you’ve never been on a bad date, but one of the most mysterious qualities of dating is how they can seem to go well, or go badly and then suddenly reverse. It’s often just impossible to know what exactly happened or why it worked or it didn’t. Even when things work out, you never really know why.