
I can’t decide whether this is the greatest thing ever or the worst, but either way I can’t stop thinking of an udder.

For better or worse . . . Handerpants.

(Thanks Ken Chino!)

8 Responses to “Handerpants”

  1. Erika Kali says:

    That only creeps me out just a little bit. Or a lot. Either way…

  2. Corpus Nerd says:

    Ah yes… And now the world will finally know the long-lasting support, comfort, and might I add, the stylish buoyancy of the long suppressed fashion technology that is Handerpants.

  3. SCUM says:

    I prefer boxers.

  4. Brock Keeling says:

    Disturbing. Especially when they get streaked with dirt.

  5. Tar & nicotine skid-marks.