First breathtaking shots of Mollusk Surf Shop

YMFY writes, ‘Something amazing is coming to 15th and Valencia…’, and I’m pret-ty sure this is the new incarnation of Mollusk Surf Shop, currently only in the Sunset, opening in the Mission.

Almost makes me want to learn how to surf. But I can’t swim, so I guess I’ll just sit on the beach waxing my board like Rob Schneider in Surf Ninjas.

10 Responses to “First breathtaking shots of Mollusk Surf Shop”

  1. MrEricSir says:

    Are you sure that isn’t an interior shot of the Tactile Dome?

  2. scum says:

    How come people aren’t complaining about a “chain” store opening in The Mission?

    • Juanpablo says:

      Cause they’re only three of them.

    • MrEricSir says:

      Unlike Delfina, Dosa, Self Edge, Ritual, Frjtz…

    • Dave says:

      Exactly. Where’s the outrage! Where are the buckets of fake puke! Why wasn’t I personally asked I’m ok with this CHAIN store opening up on Valencia Street?! Valencia Street is a national treasure! blah blah blah…
      (also, that fancy new “barber shop” that opened up in the old pet shop and 826 Valencia are technically chains as well)

  3. moderniste says:

    Me love Mollusk. Me wish they also go to S.Cruz.

  4. YMFY says:

    Technically the shop is called Voyager, with the Mollusk shop being a popup shop inside of it along with Revolver and the Rosenthal Gallery which still remains. Check it out.