Tree felling gone horribly awry closes Valencia Street

There’s a car under there too.

(Thanks, Russell!)

13 Responses to “Tree felling gone horribly awry closes Valencia Street”

  1. Slm says:

    Was it part of the original plan to take down every tree in the entire park?

    they cut at least 6 trees down a couple of weeks ago

  2. GG says:

    I noticed that too. First they were cut down to about half-size and then a week later they were completely gone. What gives?

  3. Anonymous says:

    As I understand it no one intended to take down the tree that fell today….it was accidental which is why there is a car underneath it. They are completely redoing everything to make it safer for children and against earthquakes…They are also making everything wheel chair accessible.

    People are complaining because the area is closed off but no one will be complaining when there is a huge earth quake.

    Don’t misunderstand me, I am a lover of trees, an environmentalist, and a fighter for justice but if you want something to complain about don’t look at the projects intended to better our community. We are faced with more issues than ever and yet San Franciscans yell about accidents in a community enrichment project? Why don’t you yell about the austerity measures or the police brutality? Please everyone, be reasonable and be productive.

    • GG says:

      “We are faced with more issues than ever and yet San Franciscans yell about accidents in a community enrichment project? Why don’t you yell about the austerity measures or the police brutality? Please everyone, be reasonable and be productive.”

      LOL. Please see

      Further, no one was “yelling.” Regardless of whether the felling photographed was intentional, there have been at least 3 75+-foot trees cut down from that lot in the past month. Where did you get your information that those trees might have been unsafe during an earthquake?

      Or were you just making an anonymous rant based on little to no actual information?

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s an interesting blog but please answer me this: if the millions who watch jersey shore regularly spent that time instead educating themselves about what’s going on in syria don’t you think that’d be a better use of their time? It doesn’t change what happened but it will change what happens in the future. If we have uneducated masses meltin their brains watching jersey shore it just makes them that much easier to take advantage of…but I digress.

        When I said “yelling” I was refering more to the people who gathered on valencia to “protest” what was happening. So you’re right, maybe I should have chosen a better word. Those trees were a saftey liability so the city of san francisco acted accordingly…as important as trees are they shouldn’t be allowed to grow in populated areas like that if they will endanger people.

        As jeremy correctly stated the tree fell over due to the lack of full lateral root support…it was only supported by the sidewalk concrete so it fell when the concrete was taken out. Not only could an earthquake have taken it down but if it grew any larger it could have eventually fallen on its own…they were lucky no one was killed and nothing was damaged. Trees are only able to support themselves well when they have extensive root networks, which none of these did.

        I was, however, actually speaking more to the structural support of the rec center which was built on sand. The head contractor (who I am getting my information from) is amazed that the building withstood the 89 earthquake and works diligently every day to make sure that no one will be injured in the future. This is a project to enrich the community that has been worked on by the city for the last 8 years.

        • drip says:

          “Or were you just making an anonymous rant based on little to no actual information?”

          yeah, i think you’re only calling yourself out here . . .

    • derp says:

      Yeah, I remember the big earthquake in ’89 and all the people who died from falling trees.

      Have another cocktail, rummy, it’s almost lunchtime.

  4. jeremy lassen says:

    This tree came down today when contractor was jackhammering up the sidewalk/curb. Turns out the curb was the thing that was keeping the root system in place, which in turn was what was keeping the tree from toppling over. Quick thinking barrista frrom borderlands cafe, out on a smoke break on the sidewalk, basically saved the life of the jack hammer dude.

    Once the first tree fell, the contractor decided to remove the second tree rather then risk another dissaster. DPW supervisor called to scene was not pleased with this subcontractors antics/explanations.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The tree did in fact come down as a result of the sidewalk being the only thing keeping the tree in place…


    The city decided which trees would be cut….not the contractor. Not only is it unreasonable for the contractor to make a decision about this but it is illegal. Again, the city completely made the decision.

  6. Anonymous says:

    And the worker felt the earth moving from under him and he ran….he wasn’t saved by a barrista that makes absolutely no sense….the tree started to fall so he ran.

    What are you talking about Jeremy???

  7. jeremy lassen says:

    When u are jack hamering, the earth is moving, and you can’t hear anything…. jack hammer dude didn’t notice tree falling unti Jim got in his line of site and got his attention. At least that was my understanding of it. Others may have seen things differently.

    In any event, it was a very near thing…. really lucky no contractors or pedestrians were hurt.