15th and Julian blocked off

From a tip by reader Jewel D. I checked out the block of Julian Ave. between 16th and 15th, which is blocked off to cars at this moment. (9:45 am Sunday) The police have a small area taped off to pedestrians as well on the East side of the street near 15th. It appears to me that there is a human on the ground under a yellow tarp*, but it could be something else. The police didn’t seem to be on edge, they were just standing around talking.

Reverend Bertie Pearson told me that all the cops would say was that someone was assaulted. A few of the cops went in and out of an apartment building there, but I didn’t see anyone who looked like a civilian involved out on the street.

More as it comes in.

*Seen in the above photo between the truck and bicycle.

UPDATE: Still blocked off an hour later and the Medical Examiner is on the scene.

4 Responses to “15th and Julian blocked off”

  1. veronica says:

    The rumblings at Four Barrel are that it’s a body. Keep us posted!

  2. Rocky Ponk says:

    One less gutter boy!

  3. There was clearly a body in a body bag outside on the building and a ambulance gurney, but no one was in any rush to move it.

    When we asked a cop who was questioning people if there was a shooting he said no, very unconvincingly.

  4. peachfuzz says:

    The Examiner says the body was 47 yr old Richard Sprague who called for help for 5 hours before anyone thought to call 911. Way to go, Julian Ave!