Local modern rock band Ash Reiter covers classic rock classic ‘Night Moves’

Ash Reiter rules. Have a listen:

11 Responses to “Local modern rock band Ash Reiter covers classic rock classic ‘Night Moves’”

  1. Greg says:


  2. BangAGong says:

    Neu Kalifornia Rock™

  3. Haggie says:


  4. basho says:

    Pretty sweet.

  5. tuffy says:

    All that reverb makes it sound like a bad karaoke.

  6. LetMeIn says:

    The slap-back on the vocals somehow fails to add dimension to this seemingly flat cover

  7. Backne1 says:

    Audience: “PLAY SOMETHING GOOD!”

  8. AttF says:

    ‘Seger’ not ‘Seeger’