Here’s a clever way for property owners to stick it to graffiti writers

[via The Heated]

8 Responses to “Here’s a clever way for property owners to stick it to graffiti writers”

  1. ccc says:

    Sympathy I have:
    Graffiti writers>Property owners

    • Valenchia says:

      Oh. Well tell me what property you own, and I will come write on it. It sounds like you are too disgruntled to own real estate, but I am happy to trash your bike or car or ipad or whatever. Just let me know. Thanks.

  2. Taco Bell says:

    Oddfellow once was, and Jast on the other side runs strong.

    • En-Chu Lao says:

      JAST has fucked up more walls than anybody in recent memory. It’s too bad Girafa took the fall and not him.

  3. LV says:

    Church Street @Market, yes? Been there for a bit

  4. one says:


  5. Thank you for your work and your sharing!

  6. arse says:

    belongs in a gallery now