Hipper Than the Mainstream

Mission Loc@l (pronounced “Mission Lo-CAT-l”) this morning published a nice feature on Lost Weekend Video in which they talk to customers and employees about how in the hell the place can stay in business in the era of Netflix.

In Struggling Industry, Lost Weekend Video Remains a Mission Mainstay

8 Responses to “Hipper Than the Mainstream”

  1. Sangroncito says:

    Can’t live without Lost Weekend!

  2. zinzin says:

    is that really how they want it pronounced?

  3. Allan says:

    That’s the word on the street.

  4. johnny0 says:

    I prefer “Loc-ATL” my self, in homage to Quetzalcoatl.

  5. zinzin says:

    that’s what i thought it was all about.

    if not that, then what?

  6. zinzin says:

    oh, i see. “reply”.

  7. daver says:

    Low Cattle?

  8. [...] Loc@l Photo Exhibit, Thu May 7 Mission Loc@l (pronounced Loc-Atl) wears out shoe leather and take some great photos of the Mission.  So many so, that they are [...]