Four Street Artists Speak

This week on I Heart Street Art, we meet four real live street artists, and they each talk about their reasons for embracing such a controversial activity. Steve Rotman introduced the panel saying something about civic pride, and I must say, for better or worse, and with full knowledge of gray area, I feel a strong sense of civic pride looking at the stuff these guys make:

I Heart Street Art: Why Do You Make Street Art?

3 Responses to “Four Street Artists Speak”

  1. zinzin says:

    i think the dude eddie makes a good point about offensive advert crap all over the place being OK because it’s bought & paid for, and wanting to be “part of that dialog”.

    still doesn’t cover the “other poeple’s property” issue.

    otherwise, everyone’s just saying “me me me me me”.

    that said, i do like those fish.