Homeless Jester

Just when you are starting to think you have seen it all on Capp…

Homeless Jester

5 Responses to “Homeless Jester”

  1. AlyBooBoo says:

    No mention of the Canadian tuxedo…this doesn’t seem like a happy jester.

    • meave says:

      Canadian tuxedo? That’s new. Texas tuxedo has a much more pleasing alliteration, but Canadian tuxedo is mysterious and exotic. Where did you learn that term?

  2. zinzin says:

    a rich and endless tapestry, capp street.

  3. Gotta have a sense of humor.

  4. capp st. hoes says:

    weird, all of your posts up until now have been very clever. what makes you assume this guy is homeless? and what would be strange or interesting about a homeless person wearing a jester hat? boring.