This Morning on Clarion Alley…


From Cranky Old Mission Guy:

CAMP seems to have forgotten the murals (and other street art) in favor of the amplified noise festival. That leaves it up to the locals to improve the view.

7 Responses to “This Morning on Clarion Alley…”

  1. Cranky Old Mission Guy says:

    Oh crap — that photo didn’t work out so well. The sticker says, “HIT ME, I’M FULL OF CANDY!”

    I want that on a T-shirt.

  2. Mike says:

    I woke before dawn and took some early AM pictures in the alley -

    I was surprised as well at the lack of new art – I hadn’t noticed the pigeon man mural (i see him all the time – imagine he may live along 16th st) in the past, but that seemed to be about it. What happened?

    - Mike

  3. Isore says:

    Ceyba and Estria did most of the ‘Cuba’ wall looks like.
    turned into another cock-block-party.

  4. jema says:

    what? there were at least ten new murals? Shit don’t happen overnight folx!

  5. jema says:

    what? there were at least ten new murals! Shit don’t happen overnight folx!