The Sarees Tonight At The K.O.

The Knockout, a club known for a 90′s music night that you may have heard of (and for which I hold a completely neutral opinion), is having a swell show tonight.

Opening the night will be the Sarees, an all-girl psychedelic garage group driven by a goddamned electric sitar. That’s right, while you were just talking about how you “need to get a sitar because you’re down with eastern sounds and pretty good at guitar and they’ll like basically the same thing, right?” Michele actually did it and uses it in a real awesome band. On top of that, there is a Wong (drummer Jasmyn) in the group… and you can’t go Wong with a Wong.

Afterwards, stick around the spooky fever-dream folk of Marabelle Phoenix and country stylings of Tobyn Clark while sipping a tall-boy of Tecate.

Shows starts at 9:30 and costs 6 bucks.

P.S. If you’re a girl and you really have to go to the bathroom and find yourself in the men’s room, wait for a stall… trust me on this one.

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