David Prowler walked along 16th Street between Mission and Market identifying different fonts (or should I say typefaces) of business names and other signs with an app on his iPhone.
Mission Dolores Church is identified as Minimala-Medium Italic, for example.
Check it out. (found at Curbed SF)
Thank you for the ‘typefaces’ correction. We type nerds are pretty particular about that shit
good story, btw. thanks for posting !
Actually, “fonts” could be correct in this circumstance given that the post (sometimes) specifies particular styles and weights. (A typeface is a family composed of several variations on a given collection of letterforms.)
but fonts are the parent file of the typeface, used by printers at the production stage. look at us discussing the all-too-familiar fonts vs. typefaces discussion on MM
uh-oh, too bad tag moved away. i think some of the fonts are identified with the wrong names.
wow, this whole post is like an onion article. you guys are silly.