Boot with a message

While you’re waiting to settle your tickets with the SFMTA, why not register to vote?

[20th and Lex via c.k.chew]

5 Responses to “Boot with a message”

  1. Allan Hough says:

    Give ‘em the boot!

  2. CKChew says:

    I kind of felt bad snapping the pic, tho bc I’m pretty sure the owner of the car came by as I was taking it. I heard an “oh SHOOT” from a woman walking towards the car and I skedaddled. My bad, lady! Pay your parking tickets on time!

  3. Sound of Music, TL, 1982 says:

    the criteria for the ‘Denver’ boot is $500 outstanding or 5 tickets total….I know this. If you let a regular ticket go stinko it goes from $65 to $145 very quickly – do the math.

  4. JJ san says:

    I think there is a new tagger called Vote.

    • Not new. Slightly old tags, that I am aware of, in The Mission and around Union Square. This one doesn’t have the stoopid fake-gothic look on the “V”, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same lazy dildo.