One minute you’re eating tots at Bender’s, the next minute the plane you’re on is on fire high above Colorado

This girl Genny, a friend of a friend, was sitting with us last night at Bender’s. Some of us had “The Elvis” (pictured above). Genny left early, to catch a flight to New York.

In the morning, SF Appeal and others reported that Genny’s flight had been diverted to Colorado because of a mechanical problem. Genny mentions via text message that the mechanical problem was a FUCKING FIRE:

I was asleep for the fire. But it was scary when they asked for military personnel to volunteer, and then told us to sit in a defensive position when the pilot says, “BRACE, BRACE, BRACE.”

Everyone’s okay. Except those of us that ate “The Elvis.” We all have stomach aches still.

[Photo by Ariel]

29 Responses to “One minute you’re eating tots at Bender’s, the next minute the plane you’re on is on fire high above Colorado”

  1. Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

    I ate one of those sandwiches a month or two back, and it was fucking delicious. But oh, oh god. My arteries.

    I haven’t been back to Bender’s since, for fear of not being able to resist the sandwich’s siren song, and possibly dropping dead of a massive coronary on the spot.

    • On the other hand, when you’re dead, which you will be for almost all of the time the universe is expected to exist, you will ALSO not be able to eat a delicious sandwich w/tater tots. So, if you don’t eat these things, you are already dead.

      Take the blood-thinners and cholesterol-reducers, praise science, and EAT THE GOOD STUFF!

    • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

      Oh shit, that is totally not the sandwich I had! I had the Grilled Mac & Cheese! I cannot personally vouch for the deliciousness, or lack thereof, of the fried peanut butter & Banana sandwich.

  2. Ariel Dovas says:

    Glad she’s okay!

    Also, my stomach kills and I only ate half!

  3. Jennifer Bock says:

    Please describe EXACTLY what is in that sandwich. I now live in Colorado and may have to do this trip in reverse (minus plane fire) to get one of these when back in SF.

  4. Doint says:

    Benders is stinky

  5. Think_for_Me says:

    Why do hipsters claim to be such foodies (Bourdain…blah blah blah…mission cheese shop…blah blah blah blah…organic this and that…), but they eat and drink such shit?

    • reggie says:

      And why do they always need to make it known that they have friends in New York. Who gives a fuck? Go die.

    • There are so many unwarranted assumptions, gross over-generalizations, bad premises, and outright bigotries in back of this question that you would have to pay me by the hour to make it worth the time it would take to answer it.

      But I can see why you would be looking for someone to do your thinking for you.

      • Think_for_Me says:

        You know, you’re right COMG. I am making blind assumptions. However, my reaction was triggered by yet another photo of food–gross food–accompanied by a beer which is, by all standards, really bad. I think that pictures of food are the tackiest byproduct of our social media habits.

        And by the way, there’s no denying that PBR is probably the worst beer on the market. They haven’t improved their recipe-it’s just plain bad. If you purposefully order that beer, you have very poor taste which most likely extends to your choice in food, meaning you wouldn’t know good food if it was forced down your throat. Spend the extra dollar and purchase something which at least resembles beer.

        • Well, I totally agree that PBR is bad beer, but there is a horde of equally bad beers out there, so I can’t call it the WORST beer. And I can’t agree that bad taste in beers = bad taste in food, because people have different expectations about food and drink. And, if it’s 100 degrees outside, ice-cold bad beer is better than cool good beer.

          But I disagree with your evaluation of that food. It may be bad for your health, but the flavors and textures are pretty damn good. And I also disagree with your evaluation of pictures of food on the internet. Pictures allow us to preview food before buying — they give us a chance to think twice, or begin salivating in advance.

          You see? I could go on for days — and I’m sure Tony Bourdain could, too.

  6. JspiderSF says:

    And another thing. How about fixies? How are you supposed to climb hills in this town with just one gear. And no breaks? That can’t be safe. Am I right?

  7. scum says:

    I drink PBR because it’s cheap like me.

  8. Cisco Kidd says:

    -it’s ‘brakes’ not ‘breaks’, pendejo. I don’t know why I bother to read this: “PBR is yucky” “fixies are retarted” (note 2011 spelling, btw, act like you know). I prefer brakes on my bike (you can go WAY faster with brakes), and PBR in NOT my favorite beer, but for god’s sake, all you whiny lil bitches, there are way worse things people can do besides riding track bikes and drinking cheap beer. Try to see the good in things instead of sniping from behind your keyboard. I don’t see a lot of good in arguing about the merits of two things that are inherently good: beer & bikes.

    • Think_for_Me says:

      Wow…you’re absolutely right! Well put. You have changed, not only my thoughts on this thread, but my entire paradigm through which I view the world! What a powerful comment on an post of such importance and consequence on an even more meaningful blog!