Pro wrestling gentrification


There finally appears to be a battle for neighborhood domination brewing that will settle the score once and for all, and it’s taking place at a local high school this Saturday. I have a feeling that “the Border Patrol” is going to get his ass kicked by either Hijo de la Parka or Hijo del Misterioso, and that’s only if El Mariachi doesn’t get to him first. Of course, you can probably count on the Notorious Famous B to bring his A game (or in this case, B game) to the ring as well.

I’m still trying to figure out which side Kafu is on though.


(Thanks Anthony!)

3 Responses to “Pro wrestling gentrification”

  1. carlos. says:

    i hope hijo de la parka starts up a new lwo

  2. some guy says:

    Kafu is Brazilian (in real life), and is usually billed as such in wrestling, so he could go either way.

    Also wrestling traditionally never sighed away from the concepts of race and nationality, in fact, traditionally has exploited it to create emotion in the fans.