Totally earnest flyer about somebody’s missing Google Glass

I mean, this is in Berkeley, so…

[via Gareth]

6 Responses to “Totally earnest flyer about somebody’s missing Google Glass”

  1. atsa goodun says:

    Already crushed under the heel of a techie-hater.

  2. wurple says:

    Funny. Remember when people actually wore these? I remember seeing one fool at 6th and Mission walking around in them….countdown to the mugging in three, two, one… Glad the fad is over.

  3. m says:

    College Ave would definitely be the place this sort of flier would pop up.

  4. Sue says:

    Hopefully whoever finds it has lots of money, and no need for the reward. And will simply smash it to bits with a hammer.

  5. Brillo says:

    Indiana area code. Begin regional hating.

  6. speed vomit says:

    “went missing” dude is too smug to admit he lost it.