Hit & Run on 16th and Valencia: Yep, Thursday in the Mission.

Yep, Thursday in the Mission

David Kelso sums up a pretty standard Thursday in the Mission.  Anyone else spot the hit and run on 16th and Valencia?

Update: David sends us an update as to what happened: “Dude skating got hit, slid up the hood and then punched the windscreen. Car sped off with him still on the hood. Fell off after a block.”  Rumor has it that the driver went up onto the curb in an effort to shake the skateboarder off.  The guy was pretty messed up and had to be taken away in an ambulance.  Epic.

One Response to “Hit & Run on 16th and Valencia: Yep, Thursday in the Mission.”

  1. Chris says:

    . . . which begs the question: who cares. I suppose this is emblematic of Twitter: broadcast banal information in hopes that you score a post on MissionMission.