New Home For Your Ironic Lost Pet Flyers

Looks like Valencia is getting some official flyer postin’ posts on those halfsie telephone poles. With this increased visibility, maybe now we’ll finally find Grease Lightnin’ the parrot or stop staring at our cell phones.

Mr. Eric Sir has the scoop.

11 Responses to “New Home For Your Ironic Lost Pet Flyers”

  1. Andy says:

    That’s actually great! Now it might actually make sense to print flyers.

  2. Oh dear. <>

    OK, anything to relieve me of SOME of the duty of ripping fliers off of living, growing trees, I guess.

  3. Brillo says:

    Looks like a perfect spot for some good old fashioned pole-sitting, yessir!

  4. Nico says:

    If I’m not mistaken, I believe these might be Michael Arcega’s. SO good!

  5. kiya says:

    I just realized they put ALL FOUR of these on the same fucking block.
    What use is that? They could have at least spread them down Valencia…

  6. KelleyBlake says:

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