NBC Posts Groundbreaking Article About Valencia St.

Watch out Brooklyn! Valencia is The New Hip Street in the City according to NBC Bay Area!

Mention of skinny jeans? Check.

Mention of ironic sunglasses? Check.

Mention of fixies? Check.

Mention of gentrification? Check.

I’m so glad our “flannel-draped” community gets to park our bikes in front “high-end restaurants” like Spork. NBC really hit the nail on the head with this one.

6 Responses to “NBC Posts Groundbreaking Article About Valencia St.”

  1. MrEricSir says:

    You know, I’m pretty sure the area was oh-so-hip BEFORE the new sidewalk was built…

  2. Egads, NBC Bay Area.

    Also, are folks lollygagging on Valencia still wearing skinny jeans? I’m not sure this is the case.

  3. The sarcasm’s so thick you can cut it with a spork.

  4. andy says:

    sarcastic jaded bloggers? check.

  5. Kate says:

    If that sidewalk cost $6 million, why does it look like crap?

    Seriously, yeah, its wide… but it is also uneven and in some places just in addition to the old nasty sidewalk.